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Allen & Heath AR84
8x4 Expander AudioRack for GLD and Qu Mixers
The Allen & Heath AR84 is an 8 XLR in, 4 XLR out Expander AudioRack for GLD or Qu mixing systems.
The AR84 operates over Cat5 cable on Allen & Heath's dSNAKE protocol, which provides control to the remote preamp, and all mic preamps are scene recallable. When using with a GLD system, up to two AR84's can be connected to an AR2412 AudioRack and/or direct to the GLD-80 mixer, while a single AR84 can connect to a Qu mixer. In either application, the AR84 can be placed up to 393 ft (120 m) away when long runs are required.
Allen & Heath AR84 Features:
8 XLR Mic/line inputs
4 XLR Line outputs
Recallable mic preamp settings via Allen & Heath's dSNAKE protocol